

The Virtual Brain (TVB) Platform

The Virtual Brain (TVB) is a modelling and neuroinformatics platform for simulating meso-scale whole-brain neural activity. TVB is the brainchild of our colleagues Randy McIntosh Viktor Jirsa, and is one of the principal tools we use in our computational modelling research work. As members of the ‘extended’ TVB team, we provide technical support on the Forum, teach regularly at workshops, and develop new technical features and applications. Newbies to TVB: check out the main website and the github organization; and particularly the jupyter notebook demos and tutorials.


eeg-notebooks is a python-based software library that provides a simple end-to-end platform for conducting cognitive neuroscience experiments using consumer-grade EEG technology. It emerged out of the close relationship between our good friends at NeuroTechX and other other good friends at InterAxon (just down the road from CAMH). Using eeg-notebooks together with a standard laptop computer and ~$200 EEG headset such as the Interaxon MUSE, one can conduct high-quality event-related potential (ERP) experiments that traditionally require research-grade equipment costing tens of thousands of dollars.


ConWhAt (for Connectome-based White matter Atlas Analyses) is a tool for studying the effects of white matter damage on brain networks. Its primary functionality is connectome-based white matter atlas analysis, for which it uses a set of connectome-based white matter atlases developed by our research group for this purpose, as well as (optionally) similar atlases developed by other groups. ConWhAt can also be used for more conventional tract-based white matter atlas analysis, and more generally for querying how spatial locations in the white matter tissue relate to different grey matter regions and brain networks.